Jordan Love: Now that I'm the guy, I can take charge and speak up more.

Jordan Love: Now that I'm the guy, I can take charge and speak up more. 

Jordan Love: Now that I'm the guy, I can take charge and speak up more.

Jordan Love, the Packers' new starting quarterback, spoke about the situation in  ...

Jordan Love: Now that I'm the guy, I can take charge and speak up more.

...a press conference on Wednesday. Aaron Rodgers is now a member of the Jets. 

Jordan Love: Now that I'm the guy, I can take charge and speak up more.

Love admitted that he can't precisely recall what he was doing when he learned that the Rodgers trade had been completed, 

but that he had gone into the offseason expecting to start this coming season. 

Love claimed that he "couldn't really control what happened going forward" ... he simply continued with his preparations as though the move had already been made.

Love was asked if things felt different now that he has been promoted to the top position at the Packers' offseason program, 

which has been going on for a few weeks.It's exciting, said Love.