Chia seeds in morning cereal. This is a simple way to add fiber and protein to breakfast.
Chia pudding. Chia pudding is healthful and tasty. Mixing chia seeds with milk, yogurt, or fruit makes chia pudding.
Chia energy balls. Healthy, portable chia energy balls. Mix chia seeds, oats, honey, and other ingredients to make energy balls.
Chia seeds thicken soups and stews. Chia seeds thicken soups and stews without fat or calories.
Chia water. Healthy and refreshing chia seed water. Mix chia seeds with water and let sit for 30 minutes to make chia seed water.
Chia seeds replace eggs. Chia seeds replace eggs in baking. Chia seeds can replace eggs by mixing 1 tablespoon with 3 tablespoons of water.