Arrival of "American Horror Story" in Huntington

Arrival of "American Horror Story" in Huntington 

Arrival of "American Horror Story" in Huntington

Friday night, crews from "American Horror Story" descended upon Huntington Village, and scores of locals lined the pavement to watch.

Arrival of "American Horror Story" in Huntington

There were reports that Kim Kardashian, who signed on to the FX series last month,  

Arrival of "American Horror Story" in Huntington

actually turned up in Huntington to feature in the show's 12th season, 

but nobody seemed to be able to confirm this.

When shooting was about to go inside her business, 

the proprietor of Once Upon a Baby Gallery politely shooed customers away from the front of her establishment. 

According to Amazon, the plot features "a woman  ...

...convinced a sinister figure is going to great lengths to make sure her pregnancy never happens."