woman holding someone's hand

6 Stages of a Breakup & How to Move Forward

6 Stages of a Breakup & How to Move Forward

broken heart hanging on wire

By understanding these stages and implementing healthy coping mechanisms, you can heal, grow, and create a brighter future for yourself.

persons left hand on black background

The first stage of a breakup is often characterized by denial and shock. 

persons left hand on black background

It’s the moment when reality hasn’t fully sunk in, and you find yourself grappling with the idea that the relationship has come to an end. 

As the initial shock wears off, the second stage of a breakup often brings forth intense emotions, particularly anger. 

You may find yourself blaming your ex-partner or feeling a sense of injustice about the situation.

During the bargaining stage, you may find yourself replaying the past and contemplating what could have been done differently to salvage the relationship.

The fourth stage of a breakup is often marked by a deep sense of sadness, loneliness, and depression. 

As you gradually move through the stages of a breakup, acceptance becomes a pivotal turning point.

The final stage of a breakup is renewal, where you actively work on building a brighter future for yourself.

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