By anil
4 Min Read


The United States government shutdown is a recurring event that captures national and international attention. These episodes occur when Congress and the President fail to pass a budget or a continuing resolution, leading to a lapse in funding for government agencies and services. This results in a range of consequences, affecting the lives of millions of Americans and impacting various aspects of the country’s operation. In this blog post, we will explore what typically closes and what remains open during a US government shutdown.

What is a Government Shutdown?

A government shutdown occurs when the federal government’s funding lapses due to the absence of a budget or continuing resolution. It typically stems from political disagreements and can last for various durations, from just a few days to several weeks. The consequences of a shutdown can be widespread, affecting government operations, employees, and the public.

What Closes During a Shutdown?

  1. National Parks and Museums: One of the most visible impacts of a government shutdown is the closure of national parks, museums, and other recreational areas. This can be particularly frustrating for tourists and outdoor enthusiasts, as access to these spaces is restricted or prohibited.
  2. Passport Services: If you’re planning to travel internationally during a government shutdown, you may encounter delays or disruptions in obtaining or renewing your passport. The U.S. Department of State typically suspends its passport services during a shutdown.
  3. IRS and Tax Refunds: A government shutdown can affect tax-related services, including the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). While some essential functions may continue, tax refunds may be delayed, and audits and customer service support can be impacted.
  4. Federal Employees: One of the most significant consequences is the furlough of federal employees. Non-essential government workers are placed on unpaid leave, while essential personnel, like law enforcement and those responsible for national security, continue working without pay until a resolution is reached.
  5. Federal Contracts and Permits: During a government shutdown, government contracts and permits may be delayed or disrupted. This can impact businesses that rely on federal contracts and individuals waiting for government approvals.

What Stays Open During a Shutdown?

  1. Essential Services: Certain services deemed essential to the safety and well-being of the public continue to operate during a government shutdown. This includes law enforcement, emergency services, air traffic control, and healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
  2. Social Security: Social Security payments, including retirement and disability benefits, generally continue without disruption. The Social Security Administration is considered an essential service.
  3. Postal Service: The United States Postal Service remains operational and continues to deliver mail and packages during a government shutdown.
  4. Military and National Defense: The military, national defense, and homeland security functions are considered essential and continue to operate during a shutdown. This includes active-duty military personnel, defense contractors, and veterans’ services.
  5. Federal Courts: Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, continue to function, ensuring that the justice system remains operational.


A government shutdown is a disruptive event that impacts various aspects of American life. While it leads to the closure of many non-essential government services, critical functions continue to operate. The repercussions of a shutdown extend beyond government employees, affecting individuals, businesses, and the economy. As the United States grapples with the political and budgetary challenges that lead to shutdowns, it’s important for the public to be aware of the potential consequences and plan accordingly when these events occur.

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