The Reason It’s Safer To Go To Bed With A Closed Door

By meenakshi
5 Min Read

Who knew that something as mundane as shutting the door to your bedroom at night could have such a profound effect on your security? It’s a quick process that should be addressed more often. The value of this practice goes well beyond the benefits of having a peaceful night’s sleep. A closed bedroom door performs an even more crucial function in the event of a home fire. It acts as a firewall to prevent flames from spreading through homes. In the grand scheme of things, this seemingly little nighttime practice might significantly increase your odds of survival.

Just because a door is shut doesn’t mean the war is over. It’s a small but essential part of an overall strategy for fire prevention. Installing working smoke alarms and conducting fire drills regularly is also crucial for the safety of your house and loved ones. We’ll open that locked door and explain its importance, as well as discuss other actions you may do to protect your house from fire. If you arm yourself with this information, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from harm.

Keeping Flames and Smoke at Bay

Besides fuel and heat, fires also require oxygen. Commonly known as the “fire triangle,” this is a dangerous situation. Without any of these materials, a fire cannot start or spread. Since oxygen helps a fire burn more vigorously and quickly, cutting off its supply by closing the door limits the blaze’s ability to spread. The “Close Before You Doze” campaign was created by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) to increase awareness. Over a decade’s studies back up the campaign’s claims that closing a door during a fire may significantly slow the spread of flames, minimize toxic smoke, boost oxygen levels, and lower temperatures.

Smoke, dubbed “the silent killer,” is significantly more lethal. In addition to carrying hazardous substances that may disorient and hurt you, it travels quicker and further than heat and flames. By shutting the door, you can prevent some smoke from entering the room and increase your safety. Furthermore, nighttime fires are more prevalent than daylight ones. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports that 49% of house fires happen between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., further supporting the recommendation that doors be kept shut during this time.

Additional Safety Precautions

The National Fire Protection Association recommends installing smoke detectors inside and outside each bedroom and on each home floor for maximum protection. You should also check the functionality of these detectors once a month and replace the batteries at least once a year. It is also essential to have fire extinguishers available in your house. You could assume that everyone in your home understands how to use a fire extinguisher, but in a moment of panic, it is preferable to be specific. Please place them in crucial locations like the kitchen and main entrance, and ensure that all household members know how to use them.

It’s also important to watch for potential fire threats in the house. This may involve looking for frayed or otherwise damaged electrical wires. Always disconnect appliances when not in use to prevent them from using too much power from an outlet. A family should also make and often rehearse an escape plan in case of a fire. The National Fire Protection Association recommends that every room have at least two exits and that everyone in the household be familiar with the shortest path to safety from any location in the home. Finally, ensure everyone in the building participates in frequent fire drills so that everyone is familiar with what to do in the event of a fire.

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