6 Signs Someone Is Too Self-Centered

By neha
11 Min Read
Have you ever come across someone who seems to be entirely focused on themselves? They constantly steer conversations back to themselves, disregard the needs and feelings of others, and always put themselves first. Such individuals may be exhibiting signs of excessive self-centeredness, which can be detrimental to their relationships and overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the 6 signs that indicate someone is too self-centered and discuss the impact of such behavior on their personal and social life.

Self-centeredness refers to a personality trait where an individual prioritizes their own needs, desires, and interests above those of others. While it’s natural for people to have a certain degree of self-focus, excessive self-centeredness can create significant challenges in personal relationships, professional environments, and various social interactions.

In this article, we will delve into the signs that someone is too self-centered, shedding light on their behavioral patterns and the impact it has on their interactions with others. By understanding these signs, we can gain insights into the underlying causes and work towards fostering healthier relationships and personal growth.

1. Lack of Empathy

One of the most prominent signs of self-centeredness is a lack of empathy toward others. Individuals who are too self-centered struggle to understand or share the feelings and perspectives of those around them. They often dismiss or trivialize the emotions and experiences of others, solely focusing on their own needs and desires.

Lack of empathy can manifest in various ways, such as interrupting others during conversations, failing to acknowledge the emotions of others, or disregarding the impact of their actions on those around them. These individuals tend to prioritize their own needs and often neglect the importance of considering the feelings and well-being of others.

Example: Imagine a friend who constantly interrupts you whenever you share something about your life, steering the conversation back to themselves. This behavior indicates a lack of empathy and highlights their self-centered nature.

2. Always Seeking Attention

People who are excessively self-centered have an insatiable need for attention. They constantly seek validation, admiration, and recognition from others. They crave being the center of attention and often resort to various attention-seeking behaviors to achieve this.

Individuals with this trait may interrupt conversations, dominate discussions, or engage in exaggerated storytelling to capture attention. They may also resort to boasting, name-dropping, or showcasing their accomplishments to ensure they are in the spotlight. This constant need for attention can strain relationships and make others feel overlooked and undervalued.

Example: Picture a coworker who consistently tries to outshine everyone in the office, monopolizing meetings and seeking recognition for their achievements, even if it means overshadowing others. This behavior highlights their self-centeredness and desperate need for attention.

3. Difficulty Taking Criticism

Another characteristic of self-centered individuals is their difficulty in accepting criticism. They struggle to handle feedback that challenges their beliefs or questions their actions. Instead of reflecting on the feedback and considering alternate perspectives, they often become defensive, dismissive, or even confrontational.

This defensive stance arises from their deeply rooted belief that their own opinions and actions are superior to those of others. They find it challenging to acknowledge their flaws or accept constructive criticism, as it contradicts their self-perceived superiority.

Example: Consider a partner who becomes defensive and refuses to acknowledge their mistakes or shortcomings whenever you express concerns or provide feedback. This behavior reflects their self-centered nature and their aversion to acknowledging their imperfections.

4. Lack of Reciprocity

Reciprocity is a fundamental aspect of healthy relationships, where individuals contribute to the well-being of others without expecting something in return. However, self-centered individuals struggle with this concept. They often engage in one-sided interactions, where their needs and desires are prioritized while neglecting the needs of others.

In relationships, these individuals may take advantage of others’ kindness and generosity without offering support or reciprocation. They may be hesitant to lend a helping hand, provide emotional support, or invest time and effort into nurturing relationships with others.

Example: Think of a friend who constantly reaches out to you for advice, favors, or support, but is seldom available when you need them. This one-sided interaction exemplifies their lack of reciprocity and their self-centered approach to relationships.

5. Constant Need for Control

Self-centered individuals often exhibit a strong desire for control in various aspects of their lives. They struggle with relinquishing control or considering the opinions and preferences of others. This need for control stems from their belief that their own ideas and decisions are superior to those of others.

Such individuals may dominate decision-making processes, disregard others’ input, and impose their own preferences without considering the impact on those around them. Their need for control can create power imbalances in relationships and limit the autonomy and agency of others.

Example: Envision a colleague who consistently imposes their ideas and disregards the suggestions of their team members during collaborative projects. Their need for control hinders team dynamics and reflects their self-centered approach.

6. Lack of Accountability

Self-centered individuals often struggle with taking responsibility for their actions and the consequences they may have on others. They are quick to assign blame to others or external factors, avoiding accountability for their behavior. This lack of accountability can strain relationships and hinder personal growth.

These individuals may make excuses, deflect blame, or even manipulate others to avoid facing the consequences of their actions. By evading accountability, they create an environment where trust and authenticity are undermined.

Example: Imagine a family member who consistently blames others for their own mistakes, never acknowledging their role in conflicts or accepting responsibility for their actions. This lack of accountability reflects their self-centered nature and the negative impact it has on familial relationships.


Q1: Can self-centeredness be changed or improved?

A: Yes, self-centeredness is a personality trait that can be addressed and improved with self-awareness, introspection, and a willingness to change. By recognizing the signs and understanding the impact of their behavior on others, individuals can cultivate empathy, practice active listening, and develop healthier relationship dynamics.

Q2: Are self-centered individuals always aware of their behavior?

A: Not necessarily. Some self-centered individuals may have limited self-awareness regarding their behavior. They may genuinely believe their actions are justified or not recognize the negative impact on others. Raising their awareness through gentle and constructive feedback can help them gain insights into their behavior.

Q3: Is self-centeredness linked to narcissism?

A: While self-centeredness and narcissism share some similarities, they are not interchangeable terms. Narcissism is a more extreme form of self-centeredness, characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Self-centered individuals may exhibit narcissistic tendencies, but not all self-centered individuals are narcissists.

Q4: How can I deal with a self-centered person in my life?

A: Dealing with a self-centered person can be challenging, but there are strategies to navigate such relationships. Setting boundaries, expressing your needs and concerns assertively, and encouraging open communication can help foster healthier dynamics. If necessary, seeking professional guidance, such as therapy, can provide additional support and guidance.

Q5: Can self-centeredness be a sign of underlying issues?

A: Yes, self-centeredness can sometimes be a symptom of deeper underlying issues, such as low self-esteem, unresolved trauma, or personality disorders. In such cases, addressing the root causes through therapy or counseling can aid in personal growth and fostering healthier relationships.

Q6: Can self-centeredness be beneficial in any way?

A: While excessive self-centeredness is generally detrimental to relationships, a healthy degree of self-focus and self-care is essential for personal well-being. It is crucial to strike a balance between meeting one’s own needs and considering the needs of others. Self-awareness and empathy can help individuals navigate this balance effectively.


Recognizing the signs of excessive self-centeredness is the first step in fostering healthier relationships and personal growth. By acknowledging the impact of their behavior on others, individuals can work towards developing empathy, practicing active listening, and cultivating a more balanced approach to interactions. Building self-awareness and seeking support when needed can pave the way for meaningful connections and a more fulfilling life.

So, the next time you encounter someone exhibiting these signs of self-centeredness, take a step back and reflect on the impact it has on your own well-being. Remember, healthy relationships thrive on mutual respect, empathy, and reciprocity.

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